Wednesday, February 16, 2005

When I Grow Up

I hate my job. It's not that the job itself is a bad one, or that the people I work for are impossible to get along with, it's just that ever since my son was born, I find it hard to look forward to the routine. In order to be at work on time I have to be up at 4:30 a.m., drag my sleeping child half way across town, only to put in long hours, fight rush hour traffic to pick him up again, so that I can get home in time to give him a bath and put him to bed.

I know that I'm not unique in this situation. There are literally millions of working moms in the world, so I'm not looking for sympathy here. It's just that sometimes I wonder if it's even worth doing. And to be honest, my work productivity and quality suffers from my lack of enthusiasm. Let's not get into how I feel about my son spending so much time in the care of strangers.

So I'm looking into a medical transcription course. I feel like I already have a bit of a leg up on this, since I'm familiar with the medical world, and I'm a decent typist. If I can complete the course, I can work from home and probably earn more than what I'm making at the clinic. Plus, I wouldn't have to pay for daycare anymore.

The course costs about $1500, and if I work hard at it, I can probably complete it in less than six months. Doesn't sound too bad, does it?

So that's my goal. I've finally figured out what I want to be when I grow up... or at least what I'm going to do with myself. I guess it's not exactly the career I always dreamed of, but it gets me one step closer to being a stay at home mommy, and really, isn't that the ultimate dream?


At 12:44 PM, Blogger Laura said...

I think working from home is so ideal for a mother. And that is one of the most appealing things about wanting to write professionally for me, that when I have a family, I can work from home.

Now, this is going to sound so un-feminist, but I really, honestly think that the best place for a mother is in the home. Let the men run off during the day to fetch the kill for dinner - women stay home to raise the babies. It's the way things have worked for millenia, and I think there's a reason why it's always worked.

And I'm not talking about equality, or women not having careers, or even men being at-home daddies - but I just think SOMEBODY should be at home. Until the kiddies are in school at least.

But then, what do I know, I don't even have pets ;)

Be careful with some of those medical transcription courses - like the ones they offer on TV or whatever. You should look into a course from a state-funded community college, because then you'll qualify for government grants and such.

It sounds really cool Angie, good luck :)

At 1:45 PM, Blogger Mommyleek said...

Hey Laura,

Yeah, I agree with you, and it's not a sexist remark at all. Believe me, if finances were there, I'd be home 24/7. The course I'm looking to sign up for is tried and tested. My friend recently did it, and she was hired in less than two weeks after completion. So at least I know it's reputable. She's earning more from home than I make going to work, and she puts in less hours than I do. The biggest bonus is that her daughter, Sophie, gets to spend time with Mommy instead of some stranger. That's ultimately all I want. Hell, I'd gladly stuff envelopes for a living if it would let me be at home with Jonas.

At 8:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good plan. Laura doesn't know it yet, but I plan on being a stay at home dad and shipping her off to work down in the coal mines soon as we have our first child.

Just keeeding! :)

I also think 'At home with Jonas' sounds like a good name for a sitcom featuring all kinds of mom and baby malarky.

At 8:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Even though blogge allows me to post as me now without having an account I still apparantly don't know how to click the right button. duh.


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