Friday, February 25, 2005

In the Green

There's something so gratifying about getting out and doing yard work. Maybe it's the sun on the back of your neck, or the breeze, or simply getting some fresh air after so much time spent indoors. Maybe it's the feeling of accomplishment you get from standing back, beer in hand, and admiring your work. It's certainly an instant gratification thing. I can't think of any other activity you can do in two or three hours that yields such a reward.

Until yesterday, my yard looked like something out of "Nightmare before Christmas." Seriously, even the Jehova's Witnesses pass me by on their routes. It's embarrasing, not only for me, as a homeowner, but also an eyesore for the entire neighborhood.

How did it get so bad?

Before Jonas was born I'd spend at least two days a week out working in the yard, tending to my plants, cutting the grass, pulling weeds. Then I got pregnant, and it was no big deal until the doctor ordered bedrest. Then I had to call it quits, and things just sort of fell apart. Wil tries his best, but green things are not his strong suit, and frankly, the time just hasn't been there.

It's hard to believe that it's been more than 8 months since I've had my hands in the dirt, but looking at the four large bags of lawn trash piled at the curb confirn just how bad things had become.

So the worst part is over now. The weeds are gone, the beds are tilled, the fertilizer is spread, the little plants are nestled into their new homes. Let's see if I can manage to keep things looking this good throughout the summer.


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