Picture Meme
I saw this on another blog, and, although I usually don't bother with these things, this one seemed kind of fun.
Here's what you have to do:
Do a Google image search of the following and post the first (or favorite) result for each:
* The name of the town where you were born
* The name of the town where you live now
* Your name
* Your grandmother's name (just pick one)
* Your favorite food
* Your favorite drink
* Your favorite song
* Your favorite smell

My hometown- Memphis... sure, I suppose I could have chosen something Elvis, but why be that obvious?

You'd be surprised at how few pictures there are of Palm Bay.

Don't I wish?

What was Granny's name again?

Ummm, self explanatory, I guess.

Mmmm... coffee.

a guitar legend

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