Friday, February 06, 2009

I'll take Strep for $200, Alex

A visit to the pediatrician's office this morning rendered the diagnosis of strep, and a 10 day course of antibiotics. Apparently half of the county is sick. The lobby was standing room only, and they'd only been open for 30 minutes when we arrived. Wanna talk about a germ factory! I felt sick just walking in there among the hacking coughs, snotty noses, and kids with flushed cheeks and garbage cans in their laps. We always joke that if J isn't sick when he walks into the doctor's office, he will be when he walks out.

We camped out in a corner to ourselves for the most part, me holding my 65 pound kid in my lap, drool running from his chin because he didn't want to/couldn't swallow, and listened to people bitch about the wait time.

When we finally got called back, we got stuck with the one doctor in the entire practice that I can't stand. I gritted my teeth through the entire 30 seconds she spent in the room, took my prescription, and went home.

You know, they should open a drive-thru pediatrics office. Don't even have to get them out of the car, just roll down the window, have them stick out their tongue, and give a discount for the parents that bring their own pre-swabbed Q-tip. Pick up your prescription at the second window, please.

Anyway, this post is just a product of my lack of sleep, and can be completely disregarded.

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