Saturday, January 10, 2009

And this (among other reasons) is why I knit...

Two months of layaway, and weekly payments later, hubby has finally gotten his ultimate dream-- a real RC car. Not the cheap kind you pick up at WalMart for $50. No ma'am. We're talking the ones that go as fast as my real car, and have remotes that look like they could launch the space shuttle. It's a boy genetic, I'm sure... this need for speed in tiny packages.

We're operating on a 'don't ask, don't tell' sort of basis right now. I'm forbidden to ask how much it cost, and he's forbidden to actually tell me. But we do know that it was somewhere between a new car payment and a mortgage payment, and that, my friends, equates to a lot of yarn.

I mean, do you know what I could do with that much of a yarn budget?! Think cashmere sweaters. Nay, think long flowing cashmere coats if you so desire. I could knit a house cozy and still have a few balls to spare. Months and months of needles clicking serenely away in my lap.

So, an hour of waiting for the battery to charge, an hour of taking it out of the box and assembling it. And then 20 minutes in the driveway before it was totally trashed Seriously. We're talking one wheel completely shredded, and the front suspension busted and leaking oil all over my couch while trying to fix said tire.

And so that's why I sit here, my soft squishy darlings all laid out before me, half of a cardigan in my lap, the other in my head, biting my tongue and hoping that the hobby store accepts exchanges on slightly used cars.



At 10:55 AM, Blogger msubulldog said...


At 12:18 PM, Blogger Stephanie said...



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