Friday, March 03, 2006

Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes

or Hand, Foot and Mouth, to be more precise.

Jonas has been fussy and not himself for several days. Drooly, hands in the mouth, not eating well, not sleeping well. I would write it all off as teething if he didn't already have all of the teeth he's supposed to have. Yesterday he started in with the fever, and stopped eating and drinking all together. So, after a long night of high fever and lots of whining, we went to the doctor this morning. I figured I was just over-reacting, but I'd rather pay a co-pay to hear the doctor say that, rather than go through the weekend worried to death that there's something terribly wrong with my baby.

So, sitting in the waiting room this morning, there are two other children from his daycare class sitting there, too. Hmmm... I'm sure THAT'S just a strange coincidence.

We start chatting, and find that our kids all have the same symptoms, and that another child in the class has had the same thing for the last week. Of course, this nameless child is the one that gets dropped off regardless of his condition. I swear, no matter what's wrong with him, he's there. I feel bad for him, really. I mean, I know that not all parents can just call off from work every time their kid is sick, but sometimes you have to put your kid, and mine, first. I have a feeling he's been the culprit responsible for many of J's various illnesses over the last year.

So anyway, they've all got hand, foot and mouth disease, which sounds a lot more disgusting than it really is. It's really just a virus that causes blisters inside the mouth and on the palms of your hands and soles of your feet. No wonder he doesn't want to eat or drink! Poor thing! So really, all we can do is wait it out and encourage him to sip on stuff until it passes.

And so I get another day off work this week. Heh, I can't wait to be a stay-at-homer. I'm tired of the weekly trips to the pediatrician, and the guilt of calling in all the time.

Anyway, I'm being beckoned to play "Tato", so I need to go. Y'all have a great day, and try to enjoy your upcoming weekend.


At 1:32 PM, Blogger me said...

You too, Angie. Hope the little tyke feels better soon!



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