Thursday, February 23, 2006

Cows: Destroyers of the Planet

On the way home from work today, listening to the radio, a commercial came on for a product called "Flatucow". It's a product to reduce gassiness in your bovine companions. Now, I had no idea that this was a problem, but the commercial was so damn funny that I nearly had to pull over and regain my composure. I just knew that it had to be a hose. So, of course, I had to come home and do some research. While I was unable to find an actual site for this particular product, (I suppose the cattle-raisers of the world don't do a whole lot of internet surfing) I did find this interesting article.

Who knew... Cows are destroying our planet!


At 12:00 PM, Blogger Laura said...

which is why we should eat more cows!

At 12:43 PM, Blogger me said...

Then won't we be gassy, too, Laur? ;-)


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