Sunday, June 26, 2005

Thank you very much!

I would like to thank the Palm Bay Police Department for their stellar performance last night. Truly, a great demonstration of my tax dollars at work.

You see, I live no more than a mile and a half from the police station, fire department and emergency dispatch, but after calling 911 because I had a half naked and bloody man trying to enter my house just after midnight, it took three calls and 38 minutes for anyone to arrive, and then it was an ambulance, not the police.

Perhaps they figured that if they waited long enough they could just come claim the bodies and skip all the hassle of trying to save a young family from iminent danger.

Thank god there wasn't someone doing something really wrong, like speeding.


At 10:06 AM, Blogger Laura said...

Holy shit! Really? That's so freaking lame, Ang... and disturbing. I thinking writing a big ol' letter to the editor of the local paper and then some is in order -- I mean, if the FBI can be sent to Aruba then the damned cops should be able to get a mile down the road rather quickly, eh?

I'm serious, scathing letter -- to the department, to 911, and to the news. Didja see how a 911 operator made a joke to someone on the phone for help and there was a bunch of flak for it? This is a real thing -- and it pisses me off.

So what was the dude's deal, anyway?


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