Sunday, June 05, 2005


Wil and I have become stalkers. We find ourselves driving past the new house almost on a daily basis. Sort of like visiting a new friend, I guess, or maybe it's just to keep our goals fresh in our mind when we start getting discouraged about all the work we're putting into this place here.

The way we're justifying all of the money we're sinking into this ship is that, if something should go wrong with the sale/purchase of the new place, at least we'll have a nice place to live.

The frustrating thing about getting people to come out and repair your house is the fact that no one seems to give a shit about punctuality, or even showing up at all. I've called three stucco guys, and one has called me, referred by one of the guys I called. The only one that has showed at all was the old Jamaican man who was sweet as can be, but didn't seem too confident in his ability to fix it.

I figured the guy that actually called me, solicited my business instead of the other way around would be an eager worker. He asked if he could come Saturday around 10 to take a look and give me an estimate. We waited around until well after 2, no show, no call. What the hell?! I mean, these people run their own businesses, right? They have a vested interest in their reputation. Why can't they come when they promise, or at least call to let you know they've been delayed.

So, we can't paint until the stucco is done, and today would be the perfect day to paint. It's the first one in a week where it hasn't rained all day.

We're not going to replace the carpet until the bathroom has been gutted, just to avoid tracking bathroom guts across the new stuff. We can't do much of anything until we find homes for the cats. So instead of worrying, we went shopping.

Jonas finally has a pair of shoes he CAN'T wriggle his little monkey toes out of. (Insert evil mother laugh here) It's become nearly impossibly to keep anything on his feet, and the tops of them are blistered and burned from crawling around on various surfaces. He's got rug burn, tile burn, grass burn, even a little sunburn. It looks terrible, and must feel bad too. Hopefully this is a stage that will pass soon.

Wil also found the tv of his dreams. It's a Samsung 46" projection DLP. All that really means to me is it's a big ass tv with a really great picture. It's also on sale since the newer model is being released. Unfortunately, even on sale, we certainly can't buy it right this minute. Maybe once we're in the new house, if we have a little equity money left.

But enough rambling. It's nearly 9:30, I'm only half way through my 1st cup of coffee. Jonas is wanting more of my attention, I'm still in my jammies, and we have a barbecue to attend today, which means I need to get in the kitchen. It's just not polite to show up empty handed. Especially when it's your husband's boss that's hosting the event. :)

So more house stuff later, I suppose. It seems like my blog is going to turn into some do-it-yourself version of "This Old House" or something. Forgive me, but journaling this stuff helps to make it bearable.


At 10:54 PM, Blogger Laura said...

ya know, we do the same thing, and it makes me feel creepy and happy all at the same time -- AND out in the country, it's pretty hard to be unnoticed, 'specially since we're buying from friends. Still, I completely understand :) The stucco guy is weird -- you'd think they'd be into it -- 'spose not.

So Jonas is a barefoot baby? I think before you do evil mother laugh I track down the post on MTC where you said you wanted to raise him a barefoot hippie child :)

At 8:04 AM, Blogger Mommyleek said...

Barefoot hippie child is great, but I'd like for him to have some sort of foot left by the time he's old enough to walk. :) Seriously, the tops of his little feet are red as tomatoes and blistered. Ouch! :( Shoes seem to be a necessary evil right now. I was fine with socks only, but he won't keep them on anymore. Little booger.

I feel better knowing I'm not the only house stalker.

Hmmm... another rainy day. Looks like the perfect day to do the inside work, eh? Maybe I'll drop J off at school for a while and gut that nasty bathroom. I swear, if someone doesn't start coming out here to give me estimates I'm going to do it all my self! (That could get interesting)

At 11:13 AM, Blogger me said...

Don't ask forgiveness for your forthcoming do-it-yourself blog Angela. Those of us out here might learn something. :-) ::: staying tuned ::: Good luck!


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