Tuesday, July 19, 2005


It's amazing how our children seem to change overnight.

Last night, sitting in his highchair and waiting for some grub, Jonas began humming and babbling while waving his hands above his head. To someone who's not his Mommy, it'd be cute, for sure, but I knew exactly what he was doing... The Itsy Bitsy Spider.

Oh my god, we sang that song about a hundred times before bed, all the while, his little pudgy hands making thier best replication of a creepy crawly spider.

This morning at breakfast, he began doing Pat-a-cake.

Yes, I know, nothing earth-shattering, but it's so incredible to get to watch these little milestones every day.

Ok, thanks for indulging me.


At 8:17 PM, Blogger Erin said...

Awwww... those are greta moments Ang... don't play them down! I absolutely fall in love all over again every time Terra does something new like this... She does a song and dance routine that she learned off Noggin... I thought I'd die the first time she did it, it's so cute, and Moms, well, we get all proud and happy and giggly about it, don't we? :)

Love you!

At 8:34 PM, Blogger Laura said...


i get proud and giggly about the cats... ya'll moms are more than welcome to do that about kids...



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