Thursday, October 20, 2005

Shove it

Today I had one of those days where I could have easily quit my job, and walked away without a single feeling of regret. I know we all have those days from time to time. But sometimes it's almost impossible to resist that urge.

Anyone who owns a pet has probably heard of this new canine influenza virus that is, apparently, sweeping the country. It presents like kennel cough, acts like kennel cough. As a matter of fact, I don't know how you can tell the difference between the two other than the fact that it's running rampant around our kennel even though all of our boarders are vaccinated.

And the strange part is, no one seems to give a shit. So here we are, up against a weekend AND a hurricane, and we're calling all of our reservations and urging them to find alternate plans for their dogs, and yet people are so damned determined to go on their vacations, or to tuck their pets away somewhere "safe" for the storm that they're totally disregarding the fact that we've got this epidemic ravaging our kennel. Morons.

Nearly every pet that's spent any time at our place in the past week is sick. Some moreso than others, and none of them life-threatening at this point, but there's really not a whole lot we can do for them, other than symptomatic treatment. And yet they keep coming in.

Would you drop your child off at a daycare where they stood a 99% chance of catching chicken-pox? So why would you do this to your dog?

And, of course, the owners seem so fixated on the almighty dollar that they won't put their collective foot down and just make the decision to close the kennel until things are under control. And how are they going to get under control as long as we keep bringing in new animals? Sure, we can quarantine those that are exhibiting symptoms, but it's AIRBORNE. Ummm... last I checked, that means that it's traveling through the a/c ducts. There's no "safe" room.

But enough of the boring vet shit. It's just been a bad day. Between being up to my eyeballs in dogshit all day, dealing with a hoard of dumbasses, having the computers down for several hours and having to do everything manually, and a few select employees that don't pull their weight, or make it their personal goal to make other people completely miserable, I'm just mentally and physically exhausted.

So, when I said this afternoon that I was just about ready to call it quits, I meant it.

I've talked this game in the past... many, many, many times. But due to recent events, and some other events that may be coming to fruition in the near future, I think that my tenure in the vet world is about to come to a screeching halt.

And with that, I wish you all a wonderful evening.


At 12:11 AM, Blogger me said...

Angie, yourself and folks like me, we come from families that took our pets seriously and cared for them, had strong familial attachments to our pets. For some, they're just animals to bark when told, sit when told, "muddy-footed, bone diggers," as Mom was want to call ours when she got fed up. Your logic is flawless with the chicken-pox analogy and it is really quite outrageous.

Hang tough. Keep safe this Sat/Sun/Mon and be careful - all of you, hon, k? Thanks for peeking in on me, too, from time to time. ~ML and hugs and your family is in my prayers: big and small. :-) Chin up, buckeroo, God loves ya and so do just a ton of people, too!


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