Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Quack quack Cock-a-doodle-doo!

A Bearded Buff Laced Polish bantam cockerel

This is what we chased down in the parking lot at work on Monday. Him and his little black duckie friend. No idea how a rooster and a duck ended up in the parking lot of our office, at the corner of a very busy intersection with no homes/farms nearby.

I thought of Laura, and how they'd probably get along fabulously at her place, and then realized that there must be some sort of regulations regarding the shipping of fowl, and instead called animal control to get them. Hopefully someone is truly missing their feathered pets and claims them before they become dinner.


At 8:15 PM, Blogger Laura said...

oh that would be so cool! I wonder how he got there. Hopefully he's got a happy home somewhere. Is the duck with him? He is purty. I wonder how he'd get along with The Colonel?

My last chickens came to me in a cat-carrier (4 of them!). there must be a livestock fed-ex somewhere. :)

At 6:03 AM, Blogger Mommyleek said...

He really was a pretty bird. A little peckish, but, umm, he IS a chicken, right? He and the Colonel probably would have had a few disagreements. He and the duck seemed to be best friends, so we didn't separate them. They went off to the shelter in, as you said, a cat carrier. I haven't encountered a livestock fed-ex, and I know that to cargo a dog or cat they make you jump through hoops, and it's a fairly traumatic experience, so I won't be doing that again. Either way, I wish he was there with you instead of in a shelter where noone will know what to do with him.

At 1:03 PM, Blogger Laura said...

probably tasty, at least. :) Not a good idea to have two roosters and 3 hens. Could get pretty messy, in fact, huh?

God, I wish you could come visit. You and Jonas would go bonkers here. In a good way.

At 8:22 PM, Blogger Mommyleek said...

Yeah, two men, three women: not enough girl to go around, methinks.

If I could hop a flight I'd be there tomorrow. We'd have a great time hanging out. And the only person going bonkers would be you as my son destroyed every inch of your house. :) Maybe one of these days soon.


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