Friday, September 01, 2006


J-man decided we should have a slumber party last night. Piled in bed between me and Wil and snuggled up with Puppy and Quack-Quack and Bear (why does my son have to have 3 sleeping teddybears? And why must they be large one?!) he stayed awake all night. Ok, maybe I exaggerate a little, he did sleep- in 45 minute or less increments. I woke sporadically all night to find him sitting there watching tv, or poking Dada in the ribs.

At one point, probably around 3 am, he woke me with a not-so-gentle pat to the cheek saying "Wake! Mama! Wake! Mama!" Which I propmtly did. He then asked me for juice. So I stumbled to the kitchen and got him some milk. No child of mine is getting sugary juice at this time of the morning when he hasn't slept! A fit ensued.

"No MAMA! Dooce! Dooce!"

"If you're thirsty you can drink milk, Jonas."

"Dooce! Dooce! Dooce!" (Big alligator tears and a couple of kicks for good measure)

After about ten minutes of this, he finally gives in, drinks the milk and turns the tv back on. Yes, he knows how to operate the remote!

Roughly an hour later, I wake up out of my half-sleep, that dazed state of consciousness that every mother knows so well, to find him sitting up between us, watching Adult Swim. ARG! Looks like I'll be blocking the cartoon network now. I mean, I don't think he's old enough to "get" a lot of those cartoons. Heck, I don't get most of them, but I'm really so careful about what I let him watch and that crap is definitely not on the list!

Bless his heart. He couldn't understand why mom wouldn't let him watch cartoons. So I popped in a Blues Clues video, not really caring about how much tv my child has been exposed to in the past 24 hours. I was way more concerned about getting myself a couple of hours of shut-eye.

J gave in around 6:30 or 7, finally crashed for the, ummm, morning. Just about the same time I was giving up and rolling out of bed. I'm giving him until 9. If he's not awake by then, I'll be dragging his sleepy butt out of bed. And since he's going to visit Abuela today, she can deal with his whining and grumpiness.


At 10:50 AM, Blogger Eve said...

Oh man, what is with these boys? I was up til about midnight last night with mine. He's also started to refuse to eat. Anything. I would blame it on teething, but his gums look the same as the day he was born. Could Jonas be teething too?? Don't they get molars around 2??

Hopefully tonight goes better for you!

At 5:23 PM, Blogger Mommyleek said...

I wish he had an excuse. It would make the all-nighter a little more tolerable. He already cut all four of his molars and (finally!) has outgrown the drooly stage. Time to get the couches steam-cleaned!

Hope Anthony gives you a more peaceful night tonight.


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