Saturday, January 14, 2006

Rambling Saturday

The farmer's market was a dud. Three booths huddled together on the north-west lawn of the city complex. I guess the incredible wind today, and the cooler weather kept most of the vendors tucked warmly in their beds. But Jonas and I managed to sample some fresh local honey products, and we sniffed some yummy herbal concoctions, and we pet a rooster (my second one in a week) and we bought some fresh veggies simply because the smell was intoxicating. Lucious juicy tomatoes, peppers the size of of small cantaloupes, some garlic and green onions.

It's amazing, the difference between fresh, real produce and the waxed, pale, tasteless stuff they pawn off at the grocery store. Not to mention the fact that the grocery charges premium prices for their tasteless junk.

I'm determined to get a small garden planted this year. Not because I am foolish enough to think that by growing my own stuff, I'll save any money. But because I have a deep appreciation for things that come from the earth, and the intense flavors of things not stuffed full of chemicals and picked long before prime. That, and I'm a total closet foodie.

Yes, I watch food tv as if it were porn, I drool over things that I'll never even attempt making, and I'm perfectly happy about it. Although Emeril (as much as I dislike him, I have to LOVE his recipes) made an incredible raspberry coffee cake the other night. Yes, I might actually make that.

Where the heck am I going with this post?

I don't know. It's really an uneventful sort of day. We went to market, we came home, we've cleaned the kitchen and organized toys. We've stood in the sunshine, wind battering our faces and whipping our hair, and that makes today a good day.

It feels like spring, only we never really had winter at all, and that makes me long for gardens and flowers and evenings where the light seems to stretch out fragile and tender vines in the sky, climbing it's way toward summer.


At 8:36 PM, Blogger Erin said...

makes me long for gardens and flowers and evenings where the light seems to stretch out fragile and tender vines in the sky, climbing it's way toward summer.

Yeah, you don't do poetry anymore eh?


At 11:33 PM, Blogger Laura said...

I keep forgetting you guys have Farmer's Markets down there basically year 'round. I'm jealous. Wisht I coulda tagged along w/ you and Jman.


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