Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Empty Spaces

I know I'm not going to do this any justice, but I'm having to write it down while it's still fresh and raw in my mind.

A card arrived for Jonas yesterday from my grandmother. For as far back as I can remember Mema and Daddy Dean have always signed their cards with their names and two little smiley face people that represented them. A curly-headed woman for Mema, a big-eared smiley guy for Daddy Dean. There's something so special and wonderful about that familiar little scribble at the bottom of every card.

This is the first card that's arrived since Daddy Dean's passing in April, and it didn't occur to me until I opened it for Jonas that there was going to be something so shocking inside- the message "Mema Love You Jonas. Happy Birthday!" and there, just below it, one little curly-headed smiley face with no mate. It took my breath away- left me teary eyed. And I wonder if it was as hard for Mema to sign as it was for me to read.

See, I told you I'd do it no justice.


At 11:40 AM, Blogger westcoastmama said...

*sigh* but it made me cry just the same...*hug*

At 11:41 AM, Blogger Erin said...

No, Ang, you did it plenty of justice. The lump in my throat proves it. *hug*

I love you Ang.

At 11:42 AM, Blogger msubulldog said...

I got a similar shock when Aaron's birthday card came. I should have warned you--not that it would have done any good. It still makes me sad to think about it . . .

At 1:52 AM, Blogger Eve said...

It took my breath away too. :(

At 9:19 AM, Blogger me said...

The very first time after we lost Dad I had Mom by the apartment (she's since come often - and I have her by willingly and love her visits) and went to work. First thing in my mind on the commute home was, "Dad will be the my dining room table (as was the case when they visted together) reading the newspaper and Mom will be cooking something for dinner for us in my kitchen.

I wanted, expected him to be there - at my dining room table - when I got home that night. No such luck.

So I know, Angie dear, I know. . .

hugs and mwahs!


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