What we've been up to.
There's a good reason I haven't been blogging lately. I'm tired.
Thursday we had a new piece of hand-me-down furniture delivered. It's a massively huge curio cabinet give to us by my parents. You see, Wilfredo collects dicast cars. He has lots of these. They take up space and are not very functional, unless you consider them kitty cat toys. And so, for years, they've been tucked into just about every nook and cranny we could find. They were dusty, ugly, and an eyesore in my livingroom.
I've always wanted to have a nice place to display them. I mean, lets face it. I'm not a big fan of the little metal farraris and BMW's, but I know they mean a lot to him, and he really enjoys them. I guess they're sort of like his yarn. So, now, after all these years, they finally have a place of their own, behind glass, lighted even. They almost look nice.
The center portion of the curio cabinet is supposed to serve as a bar, but since we're not big drinkers, and because in order to get this monster thing in here, something else had to go, it now serves as our computer desk. I love it. The bar closes up and hides everything inside. Makes our livingroom look much nicer than the cluttered desk that was here previously.
And in even better news, the old not-so-attractive case that some of Wil's cars used to reside in became my yarn stash cabinet! I know that Wil thinks I've gone nuts, arranging my yarns by fiber and color and stacking them ever so neatly to display in the corner of the livingroom, but it certainly has beauty! Much more attractive than his silly big-kid hotwheels! :) Now I just need some more yarn to fill it up. :)
So, between rearranging the entire livingroom, assembling the curio cabinet, cleaning 15 years worth of nicotene stain off of it, and then arranging the cars, and arranging the yarn, and arranging the rest of the livingroom to accommodate the new giant furniture, I've been a bit busy.
Yesterday we took J-man to Wil's company picnic. One good thing about working for a multi-billion dollar conglomerate, even if you are at the bottom of the totem pole, is that they put on a good party. There was barbecue, icecream, the usual hotdogs and popcorn, live entertainment throughout the day, pony rides, rockwall climbing, midway games, a craft tent, pony rides, and J's two favorite things in the world-- the helicopter and the train ride.
J got to check out the inside (and please Lord, let this be the only time he ever does!) of the Lifeflight helicopter for the hospital. He met one of the pilots, got to sit in the seat. It wasn't well organized, so I wasn't really able to get a good picture of him, but I'll include a couple anyway.
Then the train ride. He spotted the train while looking at the helicopter, and couldn't wait to get on! Of course, once he was on, he was terrified. I'm glad that Dad rode it with him, and not me. I'm such a softie that I would have made the driver stop and let us off. Wil is much tougher than I am, and he convinced J to stay on. By the time the train returned to me, J was smiling and laughing. Hooray for Dada!
Afterwards we had planned on going to a fall festival to do the hayride and let J participate in the costume contest, but he fell asleep in the car the minute we left the picnic.
In knitting news... I've still got my little J socks going, as well as my lace scarf. Both of them have been pretty much ignored this week since I got a request from hubby for a hat. He shaved his head the other day and decided he needed something to hide the bare noggin. So hat knitting I did. Only I underestimated the size of his skull, ripped it out, then over-estimated. Yeah, I know, I could have avoided all of that with a little measuring, but I'm goofy like that. So, the verdict is that the hat was a flop. Instead of trying for a third time to fix it, I decided to frog the whole damn thing and now I'm working on Tychus for him. With all that garter, it's sure to fit well. And, while I wasn't sure he'd like the bold stripey look, he actually says he likes it. Yay!
Last night, watching tv with J, I was inspired to add another project to my already severely behind holiday knitting. It'll be the last one I do, simply because it's more of a goofy thing than a functional one, but if I do end up making it, I think it'll be a lot of fun.
And here come the pictures!
The Helicopter
The Train
The new furniture.
I cringed at the "nicotine stain" comment. Ugh. :P
It does look great in your house, though! What are Bert & Dad replacing it with?
I love the bright color and the glass. It's beautiful, Ang.
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