Friday, September 09, 2005

Call the Judge!

Just when you thought life had thrown you the last curve-ball for a while...

I got my month-overdue annual review at work today. Basically I was told that I'm sloppy, lazy, often tardy or absent, and that I exercise poor judgement. Yet, out of all that, they couldn't give me a single specific incident in which I was any of those things.

I was stunned. I mean, sure, I've lost a lot of the passion for my job that once existed, but I've also had a chronically ill child this entire year, and I've had to perform a huge juggling act just to work at all, so yes, I've missed more work than usual... about 5 days to be exact.

And the only incident of poor judgement that I can recall is that I continue to show up there day after day.


It's not a big deal, really. It's not like I was handed my pink-slip or anything, but it really irks me to be told that I am all of these things when, on a daily basis, I'm praised for being one of the hardest workers. Talk about contradictions.


At 5:06 PM, Blogger Laura said...

the ONLY thing that keeps me going to work is knowing that at least I do it well, and I get the feedback to support that. do NOT hand over your life if they're not going to be fair, Ang. They can give the positive feedback verbally but not on your review shows that whoever is handling such things is short sighted and not willing to commit to anything positive because then, heck, they might have to give you a raise.

screw that, I'd demand a recount (isnt that the florida way?) *grin*

they need to have supporting details to put something that negative on your record, you may need the referral one day ---

At 10:45 PM, Blogger Mommyleek said...

I think that's the problem, L, I quit handing over my life when something more important came along and now they're pissed because they're not the center of my universe... just a job.

I've never been one to desire recognition in my job. I'm not there to try to climb any sort of corporate ladder or anything. It's just a paycheck.

What is important to me is my son and my family, and they will continue to come first, regardless of their effects on my work performance.

In other words, I don't really give a shit.

Just a funny little aside... my word verification for this post is "coxrus".

Little things amuse me.

At 11:10 AM, Blogger Laura said...

s'okay Ang-- at least you have your priorities straight. I still think it's screwed up -- but I understand. My old office had a similar problem when I started going to visit D until we worked it out to their convenience with me doing work at a higher level than I was being paid for.

*sigh* It gets better, I think, how's the coffee shop idea coming along?

if it goes through, can I call you chica barista?

i LOVE you're verification word. I was just wonder on whether if you failed a bunch of times if the word would come up "butthole" or something like that.

At 12:08 PM, Blogger Mommyleek said...

Heh, if you saw all the implements of coffee destruction in my kitchen right now, you'd call me that already. :)

Right now the plan is just that, a plan. Tom's one of those perfectionist types that'll take notes and gather information for a year before he makes his move.

This is fine with me, seeing as how it's his money on the line, and not mine. So, I'm just waiting for him to get moving.


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