Wednesday, January 18, 2006


It used to be an important part of my life. Once, what seems like years ago, I couldn't get through a day without writing something. Sometimes it'd just be a thought scribbled on the back of a napkin while at work and then fleshed out into something larger at another time. I still have some of those little napkin scribblings tucked inside the front cover of a notebook I used to keep nearby. They fall out sometimes and I hold them for a few minutes, read them, try and remember what it was that sparked that thought. But it's over now.

I'm as rusty as my grandfather's barbed-wire fence. Just like my mind, it no longer holds anything inside. The cattle have been shipped off to new homes and slaughter-houses.

And I say that it's because I don't have time anymore. That I don't write because of Jonas. But I don't know if that's really a reason, or an excuse.

Sure, having a kid does change a lot. And even when I do try to write, it seems to always come full-circle back to him. And if you think cheesy love poems are insufferable, try cheesy love poems about someone's kid. Ugh. No thanks.

So how does someone go about reclaiming what once was theirs? How do you go back to writing when you don't have an idea in your head?

And just for the record, that old phrase about using it or losing it... yeah, it's true. I've forgotten everything I might have once known about writing, including about half of my working vocabulary.

Mommy minds turn to mush. A scientific fact.


At 12:40 AM, Blogger Erin said...

The inspiration is hard to get back, but all the rest, that you used to know... it comes back. Muscles have memory, including the poetry muscle ;) so it comes back faster than you'd think.

At 12:45 AM, Blogger me said...

I'd like to think E's right. But I am part of that group, (I've gotten nothing insofar as a brainstorm is concerned in weeks! Ugh!) Angie and I ain't even a mommy. Oh, a "muthuh" maybe but not a mommy. And as far as insufferable love poetry goes, I've done my part in that arena - for whomever it's written, if it's done well - well, then ya have something, you know? ;-)

At 12:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am very much worried about that. Especially since I have student loans up to my ears for this damn writing degree, I can't afford to lose it. My plan is to never stop. Not for a minute. I'll wear the baby in a sling while I'm typing if I have to.

I'll let you know how it works ;)

At 12:21 PM, Blogger Erin said...

I am *E* (proclaimed in a big booming voice) and I am ALWAYS right!

Yeah. Right. Whatever. lol.

and L, that type with the kid strapped on ya thing works, I'm doing it right now :)

At 3:13 PM, Blogger Mommyleek said...

I never was able to get the hang of the typing with the baby in a sling, Laura, but apparently it CAN be done. Erin does it all the time!

I sincerely hope that you don't end up with mommy-block like I've got. Of course, I've never been as dedicated to writing as you, so it was probably easier for me to give up.

And just to clear up any confusion on anyone's part, Erin, the Laura comment is from Laura Amos, not Laura Seavey.

There, now I've gone and squashed all rumors of Doug and L having a baby!

At 3:16 PM, Blogger Mommyleek said...

ps, Laura, I wish you'd share some of your work with us. It's been too damn long since I've read anything from you.

AND, don't go buying a baby sling. Even after sending one to Erin, I've still got two I can part with. I was a carrier Mama, for sure. One for every occasion!

I'll include it in this box that never seems to make it to the post office. I'm so bad about getting things done! I really do have a box of books for you, I swear!

At 8:21 PM, Blogger me said...

praksxe*E* - far be it from me to question one of only maybe 3 people who even bothered to lead me out of the dark wilderness of my insanity into the dark wilderness on the other side. Now, if I only had a flashlight. I'm so aloneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, and, scared and tired and hungry.......................


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