Friday, May 12, 2006

21 months

It's J's birthday today. It's hard to believe that he's 21 months old already. I mean, we're just that close to two, right?

I look at him and every day I am amazed. He's so big, so handsome, becoming so independent, and yet he'll still tolerate all of my smothering and affection.

Yesterday, when I picked him up from Abuela's after work, he was sitting in a chair with a book they had bought for him. It's one of those "My first word" type of books, only bi-lingual so that they can read it with him. Funny that the grandparents are learing right along with the babe, eh? Anyway, I was saying... He's looking at this book, and he's got it turned to a page full of different shapes. I've never really reinforced shape names with him a lot. I mean, when we do the shape sorter we'll talk about which shape he's putting in where, and how many sides it has, etc. But I've never actually quizzed him on it. So I asked him, "Jonas, where's the square?" and I'll be damned if he didn't point to it! Thinking it might just be a fluke, we moved on. "Jonas, where's the circle?" I asked. Again, he pointed to the correct shape. We went on like this through every shape on the page, and the only one he missed was star, for which he chose a diamond. Pretty close, I think.

He's also begun to open up with his vocabulary a lot. I've always known that he understands us just fine, but he's never been a big talker. Ever since our trip to Barnhenge he's been a little chatter-box. I guess being around two really intellectual people for a few days rubbed off. :) Seriously, he's asking questions and everything. Mostly "what's that?" or "what is it?" or "where did it go?" But then he listens intently to the answers and it's like he's building this huge memory bank of stuff- cause and effect, relationships, objects. Amazing!

And for some humor- while visiting Laura and Doug, J was sort of nicknamed Onomatopoeia Boy for the simple reason that even if he doesn't know the name of an objet, he knows and will mimic the noise it makes. I found this incredibly cute, but when I tried to share it with some co-workers yesterday, they just gave me that blank-stare sort of look. Not a single one of them understood what it meant. God I hate feeling like I'm "above" someone.

Anyway, I've got to go get J ready for another day at Abuela's. She offered to keep him again today so that I don't have to deal with paying daycare this week. Man, I wish I could talk her into keeping him for the next two weeks as well!

Y'all have a good day.


At 12:27 PM, Blogger msubulldog said...

Well, if it makes you feel any better, I think Onomatopoeia Boy is funny! :) And I know B will, too.
I love that he can point out his shapes--they'll surprise you around every corner, won't they? He was probably just saving that for a time when he could really wow you. *grin*

At 4:30 AM, Blogger Eve said...

oh no! J-man's crossing over! He can't grow up yet! I'm gonna come steal him so you cant teach him any thing else, he has to stay little forever!! :-(

(What I really mean to say is, that is AWESOME, he seems to be doing very well!)

At 12:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps I haven't drunk enough coffee yet, but, if there are 12 months in a year, and 2 years would be 24 months - how does one have a birthday at 21 months?

At 1:19 PM, Blogger Eve said...

babies have a birthday every month (on their date) up until they turn two. Because until then they're not 1 and a half, they're 18 months... see?

At 1:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahh, the wacky world of parenthood. I have a lot to learn. Btw hope you're doing good Eve, haven't been in touch with any of the mtc crowd for a couple years. Are you still in the army?

At 1:55 PM, Blogger Mommyleek said...

I see that Eve already answered this one for me. :) Thanks Eve. Believe me daddy to be, you'll get it soon enough.

At 12:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jim, you will probably find that if there is a way that a mom can make herself feel a bit weepy about her baby growing up, she will grab at it. Soon after being happy that her baby is potty trained, she will be sad because he is growing up too quickly. It is a beautiful to watch, and you will get to experience all that! Have fun, and congratulations on your upcoming new one.

At 10:17 PM, Blogger Mother Raven said...

Onomatopoeia Boy is really funny, I get it anyway. I think Morgan picked up some words from Jonas. It seems like they might have cross pollinated a little bit. Sorry, I haven't really seen him around other kids too much so it was just a really amazing thing for me.

At 7:39 AM, Blogger Mommyleek said...

Raven, it was really great getting to know you and your family, too. Your little Morgan is one super kid, himself. It's a shame that we're not closer together because I think he and the J-man would be really great friends. Morgan may be a bit younger, but developmentally, I think they're in about the same place.

Anyway, I hope that we keep in touch, and that you update your "Baby In the Mirror" site soon! *wink, nudge- No rush or anything*.


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