Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Ok Smarty-Pants!

I thought I had a really firm grasp on the English language until I came across the grammar section of my course. This has left me curled in the fetal position sucking my thumb. I really thought I knew what a noun was until I came across this exercise. Now, let me tell you that the first time I took the unit test, I scored in the 30's! Yeah, don't laugh at me. I guess the brain gets rusty if you don't use it enough. After many, many, many, retakes and further clarification from Daily Grammar I was able to get a 90.

So, without further whining, I pose this challenge to you. I will copy the exact sentences from my exercise and the first one of you smarty-pants people to get every one of them correct according to the electronic grader will receive a prize. Yippie! A contest! Sorry Jessica, you can't play. But if you'd like to offer your sympathies I'll gladly take them.

Ok, so are you ready?
Here we go!

Identify all the nouns and pronouns in the following sentences.

1. Neck is significant for cervical spine pain with palpation.

2. Skin is warm and dry and well perfused.

3. The pleural effusions seem decreased on repeat chest x-ray.

4. The patient has a history of breast cancer.

5. Bilateral bone marrow biopsies with aspirate were performed.

6. The patient has known atherosclerotic coronary artery disease.

7. He developed the sudden onset of left chest pain, which was worse with deep breathing.

8. An ultrasound of the lower extremities was normal.

9. He was taken for a right and left heart catheterization; this revealed pulmonary capillary wedge pressures of 41/13.

10. He was deemed inoperable at that time.

11. There were osteophytes at the C5-6 and T1-2 levels.

Ok, when you have all the nouns and pronouns picked out, post them in the comments section.

*The above sentences were completely plagiarized from the Career Step online program's Parts of Speech and Grammar section.*


At 10:36 AM, Blogger Erin said...

OK I started to do this, hit #2, and realized I needed to go look something up about usage, decided that was cheating, and quit lmao. I'm afraid to publicly humiliate myself, considering my constant nagging about grammar!

Now I'm wishy washy... I want to do it...
ahh hell with it, here it goes:

1. neck, pain, palpitation
2. skin
3. effusions, x-ray
4. patient, history, cancer
5. biopsies, aspirate
6. patient, disease
7. He, pain, breathing,
8. ultrasound, extremeties
9. He, catheterization, pressures
10. He, time(?)
11. osteophytes, levels

such complicated damned sentences and word usage. I know I've just totally blown my image of grammar queen! *runs away crying*

When do we get our test results? lol.

At 11:06 AM, Blogger Mommyleek said...

Erin scores a 72%! Not bad considering you didn't look anything up and had no refresher course. That was my score after about my 6th try.

Good job, E. I'll email you the actual answers now- but shhhh, no giving it away, ok?

At 11:13 AM, Blogger Erin said...

I got a D!!!! Woo hooo! Oy. Maybe I NEED a refresher course lol!

If that were a report card, my mom would have whooped my ass and grounded me till the next report card!

At 11:25 AM, Blogger Mommyleek said...

At least you passed! :)

At 12:37 PM, Blogger msubulldog said...

Okay, here goes nothing (I’m scared).

1. Neck, pain, palpation
2. skin
3. effusions, x-ray
4. patient, history, cancer
5. biopsies, aspirate
6. patient, disease
7. He, onset, pain, breathing
8. ultrasound, extremities
9. He, catheterization, pressures
10. He
11. osteophytes, levels

I know see mine are very similar to Erin's, so I'm hoping to get near her 72%! :)

At 12:38 PM, Blogger msubulldog said...

Um, that would be, "I NOW see mine are very similar to Erin's. . ." Doesn't say a whole lot for my chances, does it? *smirk*

At 2:46 PM, Blogger Mommyleek said...

Amanda scores a 72 as well! *whew* Makes me feel better about my own less-than-perfect score!

Anyone else wanna take a stab at it? C'mon! Don't be scared.

At 3:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, let me have a try.

1. Neck, spine, palpation.
2. Skin
3. effusions, x-ray
4. patient, history, cancer
5. (bone and marrow are technically nouns on their own, but because they modify biopsies, does that make them something else??? hell, let's give them a try) bone, marrow, biopsies, aspirate
6. patient, (again with the modifiers???) artery, disease
7. He, chest, pain, breathing
8. ultrasound, extremeties
9. He, heart, catheterization, capillary, wedge, pressures
10. He, time
11. osteophytes, levels

Okay, so this is tricky because they use a lot of nouns that modify other nouns, so does that make them still nouns or something else? I always sucked at grammar!

At 4:05 PM, Blogger Mommyleek said...

Laura, since you recognize that they are used as modifiers, I'll give you another chance to post your answers before delivering your grade. :) *C'mon guys, I can't bring a very pregnant English major to tears, can I?*

At 4:34 PM, Blogger Erin said...

:O She totally copied my paper! Next time I'll do that nerdy thing and cover my paper with another sheet of paper! Haha!

Actually, I'm just happy to see so many other people struggling with it like I did That's not very nice of me is it?

yes well... I may not always be nice, but I am honest.

At 4:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha! That must mean I did really really bad!!! :)

Okay, so,

1. Neck, spine, palpation.
2. Skin
3. effusions, x-ray
4. patient, history, cancer
5. biopsies, aspirate
6. patient, disease
7. He, pain, breathing
8. ultrasound, extremeties
9. He, heart, catheterization, pressures
10. He, time
11. osteophytes, levels

Really though, I wont cry, I already said I was terrible at grammar. That's what we have editors for ;)

At 4:53 PM, Blogger Mommyleek said...

72% seems to be a popular grade! If I were to send out prizes now, we'd have a three-way tie. I'm wondering if I should offer re-takes. Of course, I've already sent E the correct answers, so I don't know if that would be fair.

At 5:10 PM, Blogger Vickie said...

1. Neck pain palpation
2. Skin
3. effusions chest x-ray
4. patient history breast cancer.
5. bone marrow biopsies aspirate
6. patient coronary artery disease
7. He chest pain breathing.
8. ultrasound extremities
9. He heart catheterization; pulmonary capillary wedge
10. He time.
11. osteophytes C5-6 T1-2

At 5:34 PM, Blogger Mommyleek said...

Sorry, Vickie, 36%. Laura H. and I just KNEW that you'd be the one to get it all right. Since I only have a very small number of regular readers, I'll open this up for re-takes, if anyone wants a go at it. Ummm, Erin, I'll send you the booby prize for being the first to give it a shot! If no one gets 100% on their second try, I'll email the answers to anyone who wants them.

At 7:45 PM, Blogger Eve said...

1. Neck, Spine, Pain, Palpitation
2. Skin
3. Efusions, Chest, X-Ray
4. Patient, History, Breast, Cancer
5. Bone, Marrow, Biopsies,
6. Patient, Atherosclerotic, Coronary, Artery, Disease
7. He, Chest, Pain
8. Ultrasound, extremities
9. He, Heart, Pulmonary, Capillary, Wedge
10. He, Time
11. Osteophytes, Levels

At 8:07 PM, Blogger Eve said...

Well, take palpation off, just thought of that one...

Other than that, I think I got them all?

At 8:08 PM, Blogger Mommyleek said...

Eve chimes in with a 36%! That's still higher than what I got on my first try. I guess that makes me the biggest dummy of us all! :)

At 8:10 PM, Blogger Eve said...

ah damn. I missed at least three that I can see. :-( Oh well, guess I really am stoo-pid. *haha*

At 8:14 PM, Blogger Mommyleek said...

Feel free to re-do, Yvonne. Heh, every time I "grade" one of y'all I go back to the lesson in my course and plug your answers in and hit the "grade" function. Somewhere in cyber-school headquarters is a person shaking their head in pity and wondering if I'll ever get it right! :)

Wait until I take you guys on a tour of adverbs! *rolls eyes*

At 10:13 PM, Blogger Vickie said...

Hell, I know what sounds right and what makes sense. I never cared what the parts of a sentence were called any way. Thanks for the wake up call, though.

At 12:44 AM, Blogger Erin said...

lol I'll pass on the retest, and on the boobie prize (unless it's really boobies, cuz I could use a bigger perkier set of those...) but it's been fun playing, and even moreso knowing that someone in the head office is thinking you're a total goon (yeah, sorry, laughin' at your expense :P )


At 8:13 AM, Blogger Mommyleek said...

Vickie, it wasn't meant to cause frustration or anything. Just some fun at my expense since I'm the one that HAS to master this stuff. I really thought I knew and understood grammar until now. I think the most important thing is to know what sounds right, and how to correct that which is wrong.

Erin, sorry, a little lacking in the boobie department here, too. But you'll get something from the great prize stash. Do you prefer pocket lint or used up pens? :)

Thanks everyone, for playing and having fun with it. Anyone who wants to re-try, I'll give you until the end of Friday. :)

At 2:44 PM, Blogger Erin said...

pocket lint thanks, I'll use it to stuff ;)


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