Saturday, June 24, 2006

So Fast

Sometimes I'm afraid that if I blink I might miss something with Jonas. He's at this age right now where he changes almost daily.

Just last week we were in the terrible fit stage where any time he didn't get his way he'd have a total melt-down screaming "My! My! Mine!" and stomping his feet.

This week I think he's picked up at least 10 new words and a great deal of communication skills. He can usually tell me what he wants now instead of doing the point and whine thing. I can't tell you how nice it is not to have to listen to a whining child all day. It's not that he was being whiney just to be a brat, it's just that he wanted something and couldn't tell me what it was. Now he can go over to his toy shelves and point and say "book", or "choo-choo", or "man" or whatever he wants. Yesterday, after nap, he climbed up into his highchair and I asked him what he wanted for lunch. He got this really thoughtful expression on his face, turned his head a little to the side, and said "Ummmmmmm...... baboney!" Heh, the kid likes processed meat. So bologna it was. How can you refuse?

He's also taking a huge interest in potty training. Twice in the past 24 hours he's sat on his little potty chair and actually gone potty. Heh, as if you guys want to come here and read about bodily functions, right! But it's amazing to me the way he's picking this up. I mean, we haven't pushed him or anything. Pretty much all we've done is set up his potty chair and he's done the rest.

And they say that boys are more difficult than girls.

In other news- he took his nap in his OWN bed yesterday. Ok, again, not something that sounds like breaking news, but it is. He laid down himself- in his bed- slept by himself-in his bed- and after waking up, stayed in there for about 20 minutes without freaking out about being all alone.

Yes, I realize that my son is nearly two, and it's high time he start doing stuff that most babies are doing by 9 months or so, but we've spoiled him a little. And besides, we just got air conditioning to his room a few weeks ago. Before that it was just too damn hot to let him sleep in there.

And finally, (drum-roll please) we're losing the bobo. For those not familiar with that term, it's his pacifier. He's so attached to that silly thing. I had an old lady in the store the other day look at me with all the sympathy in the world. She patted my arm and said "I used to swear that my kids would be the first to take their off to college with them."

Well, we went all day yesterday without it, went to bed without it last night, didn't wake up looking for it even once, and hasn't had it all day. As a matter of fact, I've got it stuffed in my pocket so that he can't find it. So far he hasn't even asked for it.

Wow! All of these changes all of a sudden. It's amazing, isn't it? Seems like only yesterday that I was holding my little tiny baby in the crook of my arm.

I'll leave you with a cute picture from a few days ago.

He calls his sunglasses "eye... cool!"

**As I was getting ready to hit the Post button here, Jonas came out of his room with a bobo stuffed in his mouth. I guess I forgot to round ALL of them up. Oh well, one thing at a time, I suppose.***


At 2:05 AM, Blogger Eve said...

Hey, with all of those changes, I'd say it's ok to have Bobo for a little bit. It sounds like J-man just needed Mommy around more (and more attention than the daycare workers, I'm sure) so he could feel more confident about all the changes.

Oh, but I'm sure I'm going to be saying the same things later on about the sleeping.

But, hey, they're only babies once, right? I'm sure Anthony will stop sleepin in my bed before he goes to college. ;-)

Maybe by that time, he'll be weaned from the boob too, who knows? LOL.

At 9:08 AM, Blogger Mommyleek said...

Eve, good to hear that I'm not the only one with a miniature bedhog. We haven't made it through a night in the big boy bed yet, but naptime is a great start, I suppose.

And he gave me the found bobo just a few minutes after I posted this, and hasn't asked for it since, not even once! Two days with no Bobo! Heh, it's like watching a smoker go cold-turkey. I think a visit from the bobo fairy may be in order.

At 11:45 PM, Blogger me said...

I'm with Yvonne. Big changes for the little man these last few weeks, Ang. Let 'im have his nook-nook. That's what my nephew called his pacifier. Mine was "hum pits." Don't ask me where pits comes from, but My Mom says the hum thing was the sound she made when she put it in my mouth. Ok, I feel wierd now. LOL!!!!

At 3:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree: having his mommy at home is what is helping little J leap through these milestones.

My youngest is the only of my three babies that would take a pacifier (we call it a "bite") and for me that was good news. I have yet to see a child start kindergarten with one in their mouths.

At 6:51 PM, Blogger msubulldog said...

Oy vey, we're going through the potty thing today and yeesh! I decided that it was time to take an all or nothing approach and put him in underwear all day long. We're currently on pair #7 and I only have 8! (yes, it is only 3:45pm)
So, a big hurrah to Jonas for sitting on the potty! Sometimes Aaron is good about it and sometimes he couldn't care less. . . .
(oh, and "eye cool"--I love it!!!)


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