Thursday, June 22, 2006

An early delivery?

My little sister is in the hospital today. My guess is that by the end of the day today I'll be an aunt again. She's not technically due until August, but she's already about 3 cm dialated and somewhere between 75 and 85% effaced. They've got her on a magnesium sulfate drip and yesterday they gave her the necessary steroid injections and lung surfactants to help the baby mature a little more quickly.

Waiting for news is so hard when you're so far away. I'm thinking that they'll send her for an ultrasound sometime today to see how big the baby truly is. That's what they did with J when I went into the hospital a month early. I remember it being a scary time for me, not knowing if my baby was going to be big enough and strong enough to not have any complications, and I hope that she's not freaking out like I did.

Anyway, J's at Abuela's and I'm supposed to be working on school stuff, so I guess I better hop to it.


At 1:34 PM, Blogger msubulldog said...

I thought I had more time for her quilt!!!! Brian told me about the steroids yesterday, but we didn't know she was in the hospital again, today. I bet your mom is a nervous wreck having to run back & forth between hospitals right now. :(
We're headed to the airport this afternoon to send B to Japan and then Aaron and I are going to Fabric Depot to make quilt purchases! :) If you talk to your Mom or Jessica, please let them know we're thinking about her!

At 1:36 PM, Blogger Eve said...

WOW. That is early. I'll keep your sister and her baby in my thoughts and pray everything turns out all right. Going early definitely is a scary thing.

At 5:15 PM, Blogger westcoastmama said...

oh my goodness....My thoughts and prayers are with them as well as with you! How are ya, hon? Other than being nervous wreck, that is :-/

At 10:30 PM, Blogger Erin said...

Well, I hope that she's ok, that the baby is ok... this is so early, what, 6 weeks? Actually, Tommy was 6 weeks early... he was ok. Man, let us know, please?


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