Sunday, December 31, 2006

I'm trying

For the past week, ever since reading Katrina's post about all the amazing things that she's knit this year, and the progress she's made, I have been trying to do something similar.

I wanted to add lots of pictures and links to show you how I've progressed from one piece of flat stockinette to socks and lace and other neat stuff, but my heart and my time just haven't allowed it.

So, even though I really wanted to get the review up before the new year, brag about the good stuff, laugh at the horrible, terrible aweful stuff, and set some goals for the next year, it just ain't gonna happen. I'm just not in the mood. You're all heartbroken, aren't you?

In other areas of life: Work's been difficult this week. So has the husband. I'm about two months behind in schoolwork and can't get motivated to catch up. I've still got a little stray kitten hanging around that I can't afford to really care for, and don't have the heart to take to the shelter where she'll most likely get euthanized. My rescue contact hasn't returned my calls, and no one wants a kitten (of course).

But don't listen to me- I go through these phases, and this one is no different. It will pass in a week or so. I'll get caught up, and I'll be chipper and worthy of reading again. :)

And in the meantime, y'all have a happy new year.


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