Saturday, March 03, 2007


Ugh. Saturday night, not quite nine. I'm in flannel pajamas again, sweating and shivering all at the same time. I'm drinking coffee because even the non-drowsy cold stuff makes me sleepy and I've been nodding off on the couch for the last hour. And that's AFTER taking a 2 hour nap with J earlier. Anyone who knows me knows that I must be S-I-C-K if I'm taking a nap in the middle of the day. Not once in his life have I ever napped with J. That's my time to get caught up and to do all the things I want to do for myself.

I feel like world's worst mother today. J's watched the same DVD about six times because I just don't have the energy to do anything other than hit the button on the remote for him. I've got this Go, Deigo, Go! video committed to memory.

It was sort of cute this morning- on the way to work J was doing the half-awake, half-asleep thing in his carseat and out of the blue he piped up with "Mama? Sick?"

"Yes, baby, I'm sick, but I'm ok." I tell him.

Silence for a second or two while he thinks about it, and then, "Bless you, Mama. "

How sweet. Sometimes he's so incredibly wonderful that I just want to squeeze him.

I'm hoping this crap will blow over by Tuesday. I've got a busy week ahead of me. Besides needing to stay caught up on the transcription stuff, which is a chore on a regular week, I have to work an extra 12 hour shift at work, and I have the air conditioning people coming out to inspect our system. We just had it replaced a few months ago and I'm not very happy with it. I mean, functionally it's fine- it cools the house. But it also chokes if you close the door that it sits behind, and it leaks water through a cracked hose. WTF?! So, we'll see what this punk-ass 20 something installer has to say about it. It'll be the third time I've complained to the company, and I'm just about to the point where I'm handing it over to the husband to deal with. No one takes a woman seriously, I guess.

Ok, so my coffee is finished, I'm feeling a bit warmer and a little less drowsy. Diego is almost over (again) and I'm going to go see if J will read a book with me or do something just a tad more mentally stimulating.

And since I can't go more than a few days without showing off my kid:

We;re still working on the table manners, but he's got the sharing thing down.

A favorite seat for tv watching, or just hanging out.


At 1:15 AM, Blogger Eve said...

So sorry you've been feeling sick, but I totally feel you on not wanting to do anything all day! That's exactly the way I felt yesterday. BLECH. Anthony watched Nemo way too many times yesterday.

The story of J in the car was too sweet and the pictures are A.DOR.A.BLE! Anthony's got the sharing thing down, but he only wants to share with me after he has already put it in his mouth. *ick*

Anyway, hope you feel better soon!!


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