Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Stupid vet humor

This morning, as I walked through the ICU area at work, I noticed that one of the cages was occupied. I was the first one in the building, besides the kennel staff, and decided to peek in on our resident patient.

Our ICU area is in the center of the hospital, consisting of a surgery suite, two tub tables, two surgery prep tables, an x-ray room, and a special procedures room. Along the far wall is a two tiered row of cages. On the front of each cage is a clipboard to hold their cage cards and ICU sheets.

Or visitor was in cage three- logically, the third cage on the top row, on a rack, pee pad beneath, and resting quietly tucked into a comfy blanket.

Did I mention it was still dark in ICU?

I approached the cage and squinted to read the pink admittance card.

Last name: Fink
Account #: 666-1
Doctor: Any
Pet Name: Rat
Reason for Admittance: Check for Stiffness

*duh, Angie, don't you smell a hose coming on?*

Noticing that our little patient wasn't moving, I opened the cage door to check on him, afraid he may have died overnight. As the door swung open, the damn thing lunged out of the cage as if to attack me. I screeched, ducked, and landing at my feet: a spring loaded fuzzy fake rat.

The kennel staff got quite a chuckle from their hiding place around the corner. I retreated to the employee bathroom to check the status of my underwear.

Very damn funny. Kudos to whoever came up with that.


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