Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Taking the ferry down

This is a line that's been stuck in my head for several days now. No idea why, or where or how I came up with it, or where it belongs, but I keep repeating it in my head in different variations:

We took the ferry down...

Ok, not an earth shattering line is it? But it opens a world of possibilities. Where are we going? Why are we going there?

But I don't have the answers to those questions. Just this ferry ride that never goes anywhere. And that, my friends, is frustrating.

Not to mention that the only ferry I've ever taken anywhere is the silly little boat that takes you in and out of Disney. You know, you can ride the monorail, take the boat, or, there's a third option that eludes me right now, but that's how you get into the park.

In other news, I went and bought Jonas two new pairs of shoes today. I admit it, I have a kid shoe fetish. I can't go into a store without browsing the kid's shoes department. But I can justify it by saying that last night, when I took off his shoes, there were red crease marks on his toes- a sure sign that he needs new ones!

So we got a new pair of sneakers, with velcro for once! I've never been able to buy him velcro shoes before because he's got such a high instep that they won't close over the tops of his feet. I can't tell you how exciting it is to think that I may not have to lace and tie a pair of shoes onto his squirmy feet again! We also bought a pair of brown slide-in shoes that I adore. Neither were very expensive, and I had a gift card to this particular store, anyway, so why not?

The funny part is, I only own two pairs of shoes myself, and both need replacing, but I have no interest in buying my own shoes at all. I only do so when the soles start separating.

I've made almost no progress on the candle flame shawl. Between work, Jonas and the fact that I screwed up and had to rip out a good chunk of it, I'm still in about the same place I was Sunday afternoon. Let me tell you, it's agony to have to rip your knitting, even if you know it's the only option.

I've got an appointment with the dentist in the morning. Just a filling, nothing major. After all these years of neglect, it's a wonder my teeth aren't in worse shape than they are. I'll still need to eventually have three crowns done. But I've known about them forever, and they've got temps on them that have been there for years with no ill effects, so I'm in no rush to get into that yet. (Although the dentist sure is!)

Afterwards I may take advantage of my time without J to enjoy some coffee at my favorite little shop and maybe get some more knitting done... or even *gasp* try and write something. Maybe something that includes "we took the ferry down". You never know, right?


At 4:16 PM, Blogger msubulldog said...

I'm loving those brown shoes to no end! They are truly cute. :)

At 4:38 PM, Blogger Mommyleek said...

I couldn't resist them. They're super lightweight, too, which makes me love them even more. So often kids shoes are heavy and chunky and unflexible. I'm telling you, if they had them in my size, I'd have a pair, too! If you want a pair for Aaron, they're at Target for under $15. Made by Cherokee, style is "Jiovani".

Jonas is still unsure about them. Probably because there are no laces for him to un-do. He keeps pointing to the tongue part and making a questioning noise.


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