Saturday, January 28, 2006

Little Fairy, um... boys?

So Laura and I have been making some plans for J and I to come up for a visit, and as if it's not cool enough to just get to hang out at Barnhenge, there's also a Fairie Festival the weekend that I'm going up and we're so there!

What's even cooler is that her friend and her friend's young son (about the same age as Jonas) are going to be going too. So not only do we get to go to a festival full of hippies, celtic music, food, games, and all that jazz, but Jonas will have a playmate his age.

So I was looking at the site, and I couldn't help but notice that most of the people choose to come in costume. While I'm not really one to play dress-up, I thought it might be fun to make little costumes for the boys. Only problem is this: How do you make fairy costumes for little boys without them looking, ummm... fairy-ish? I mean, I'm not one to assign gender roles to kids, and if Jonas were old enough to ask for glitter and wings, I'd give them to him without hesitation, but it seems kind of wrong to put him in a girly costume without his consent. I mean, those are the things kids end up in therapy for thirty years down the road, right?

Sure, I could make a greenman costume, I suppose. It probably wouldn't be all that hard. Or Pan, if people can get over the fuzzy legs and little horns. :) Or I could go with something more mainstream, like a peter-pan sort of thing, but that seems so generic.

So what DO you dress your little boy in to go to a fairy festival? An suggestions/patterns, etc. would be most appreciated.

And L, if Morgan would like one, (whatever one turns out to be) I'd be happy to make one for him, too. Just need to know his size. :)

Of course, this isn't happening for, what, four months. But being the world's worst procrastinator, I probably need to get started now!


At 9:19 AM, Blogger Laura said...

oh what a cool idea!!!!!

hrm. and he's so cute with all that curly hair....

something kinda tunic-y and either tights or short pant

(oh short raggedy pants with striped socks underneath???)

and I'm sure Morgan will love to dress up :)

I'll email.

At 1:06 AM, Blogger Erin said...

Dear God if you do a Pan outfit, please please, I'm begging you, PLEASE post pics!


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