Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Doctors and more doctors

What a freakin' mess of a few weeks!

Ok, so we're all well-versed in the drama of Wil's foot, so I won't go on too much about that except to say that he had a followup appointment with the podiatrist today that was sort of so/so. The good news is that the swelling is down, and so is the redness. The bad news is most of the skin is going to slough off his foot. *gag* Also, his bloodwork is still coming back with high WBC levels, which means that he's still got an infection somewhere. Super! So, the doctor thinks that since he's clinically feeling and looking better that it may just be a reaction to the antibiotic he's on. For now he's supposed to stop taking it, have blood redrawn on Friday morning, and then see the doctor again next week. If it's still high then, he'll be referred to an infectious disease specialist. Doesn't that sound big and scary? I get this image in my head of the movie E.T. where all the dudes in space suits are quarantining the house. *shiver*

I'm also worried about the idea of him being off antibiotics completely. I mean, couldn't they just switch to something else and see what happens instead of stopping them completely. If there truly is still something infectious going on in there I can't imagine that a week without antibiotics is going to do him any favors.

Despite all of this, he's going back to work tomorrow on light duty. I'm sure he'll do just fine.

In other news, J woke up Saturday with a little bit of a rash on his hip. By Sunday it was red, raised, and icky. And so, Monday landed us in the pediatrician's office. It was more out of paranoia over the whole strep/staph scare than anything. Any other week I would have slathered it with Desitin or Neosporin and blown it off for a few more days. Ends up that it's just a contact dermatitis and it's already fading. I didn't mind paying the copay to have a professional tell me that I was overreacting, though.

And in even more medical news, Dad had some fairly minor surgery Tuesday. The procedure went well, but apparently he gave the nurses a hard time in recovery, and so they kept him in there for a VERY long and scary for those of us waiting to hear good news 5 hours. He's home again now after just a brief overnight stay. Not even sure if he got breakfast out of the deal. I think his biggest complaint out of the whole ordeal had something to do with a Foley and the nurse that WAS his friend until it was time to take it out.

So, for now, I hope and pray that we are done with doctors and hospitals for the most part. I can handle a followup or two here and there, but if I spend any more time at the hospital I'm going to have to start giving tours or something. Seriously, I can wind through those hallways with my eyes closed now. Not something I'm entirely proud of, though.



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