...or rather borrowed from Amanda's site. I'm afraid it's going to be pretty pathetic, since I'm not much of a movie buff, but it looked fun. :)
1. Name a movie you have seen more than 10 times. Airplane!
2. Name a movie you’ve seen multiple times in the theater. Honestly, I can't think of one. But if we go with seen multiple times, and take out the in the theater part, there was a time when we didn't have cable, and relied heavily on our VHS collection. I'd say I've seen Aladdin about 100 times.
3. Name an actor who would make you more inclined to see a movie. Go ahead and roll your eyes, but I've got a think for Kevin Costner... and John Cusack
4. Name an actor who would make you less likely to see a movie. Adam Sandler
5. Name a movie you can and do quote from. Monty Python & The Holy Grail, Airplane, Office Space.
6. Name a movie musical in which you know all of the lyrics to all of the songs. Rocky Horror
7. Name a movie you have been known to sing along with. Dora's Pirate Adventure
8. Name a movie you would recommend everyone see. A Perfect World
9. Name a movie you own. Watership Down
10. Name an actor who launched his/her entertainment career in another medium but who has surprised you with his/her acting chops. Wil Smith
11. Have you ever seen a movie in a drive-in? If so, what? If I have, it was way back before I developed any sort of memory.
12. Ever made out in a movie? Ummm... *ahem*
13. Name a movie you keep meaning to see but you just haven’t gotten around to yet. There's probably a million.
14. Ever walked out of a movie? Yes.
15. Name a movie that made you cry in the theater. Gee, that's not hard. Most recently? Armageddon
16. Popcorn? Jumbo, extra butter. It's part of the reason you go to the theater, isn't it?
17. How often do you go to the movies (as opposed to renting them or watching them at home)? It's been at least 4 years...
18. What’s the last movie you saw in the theater? One of the Lord of the Rings movies, can't remember which.
19. What’s your favorite/preferred genre of movie? Drama/suspense
20. What’s the first movie you remember seeing in the theater? Batman
21. What movie do you wish you had never seen? Signs
22. What is the weirdest movie you enjoyed? The jury is still out on this one.
23. What is the scariest movie you’ve seen? Cape Fear (I have to agree with Amanda on this one) Also the Faces of Death movies when I was just a kid. *thanks big brother*
24. What is the funniest movie you’ve seen? Office Space (going with Amanda again) Also loved The Naked Gun when it first came out.
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